free audio relaxation download

Emotional balance and the ability to relax are related. If you feel like you’re out of balance, perhaps you’ve not been looking after yourself enough? It’s important to take time out every now and then to look after your own needs and relax, even if it’s just daydreaming for 10 minutes.

My FREE relaxation audio recording is aimed to help you feel more balanced.

Just fill in the form below and you’ll get the recording sent by email. You’ll also receive future newsletters (only once a month) with tips, latest news and the occasional additional Freebie. Enjoy!

free relaxation download

Get your free relaxation audio recording

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Free webinar: How to boost your mental health: Saturday 2nd March 2024 at 10am

Sandy explains how the five pillars of mental health affect our wellbeing.
She shares how small consistent improvements can make a massive difference
and will give an overview of how alternative methods and energy psychology can
boost your mental health.

To sign up email [email protected] or via contact me.

Missed one? Email me and I’ll contact you before the next one.



Last month I offered a free EFT webinar to increase wellbeing. It’s now available on YouTube. Feel free to watch it and leave a comment:


Another FREE EFT WEBINAR on building resilience

Watch a replay of my free EFT webinar to increase wellbeing. It’s now available on YouTube. Feel free to watch it and leave a comment:




Sandy’s inspirational quotes and tips to improve your mental health. Follow me @sandyemotionalbalance/

Tip: how to change your mood

Sandy’s blog

Latest Articles, News and Videos

Every month I add a post with news, tips and offers.
How to overcome fear

Experiencing a bit of fear every now and then is a healthy response aimed to keep us safe. In Corona times right now, fear can be a natural response as it just doesn’t feel safe for some of us to go outside and meet others.


There’s no question that these are strange times and life as we knew it has changed. Change can be scary, especially when it affects our sense of safety and control and leaves us with uncertainty about the future.

Am I really depressed, or could I just be an introvert?

In a world where the majority of people (apparently two thirds) are extroverts, there are certain unspoken expectations of how to fit in and how to ‘be normal’. For example,